

Are You A Follower of Christ?

To be a true follower of Christ means He must be our everything. The Old Testament that was written for our learning describes a people whose lives revolved around their service to God. Raising animals for sacrifices, preparing for the commanded feast days, keeping the Sabbath all took time. While today we do not have those same responsibilities, we do have the same general command in following Christ. Passages like Matthew 7:13-14 speaks about the “... broad gate that leads to destruction and the many that go in ...” while the narrow gate leads “unto life” and the few that find it. We must spend time looking for that narrow path, just like the people in the Old Testament our lives must revolve around Christ and this narrow path. In Matthew 22:14 it mentions that “...many are called but few are chosen...”. Today many people claim to be Christians while attending these large “come as you are” congregations that teach the blessing of Christ but never mention the narrow path.

In Luke 9:23 it talks about denying self and taking up the cross daily, not only on Sunday but daily. Many religious people are mentioned in the New Testament that resisted denying self. Mark 10:17-21 describes a man who had kept all the commandments from his youth, but when Christ told him the one thing he lacked, he was unwilling to deny himself of his riches therefore he went away sad and lost. Following Christ means striving to be more like Him, John 8:29 mentions doing things that “please Him”. 1Cor 10:31 says “... whatever you do, do all to the glory of God...”. Today we need to ask ourselves are we really following Christ? Are we putting our family or our jobs before Him? Is the path leading to destruction or is it narrow and leading unto life?

- Dee Ledbetter