What The Bible Says

What The Bible Says

“What The Bible Says - Vol. 7 / No. 10”

What The Bible Says

Vol. VII - No. 10      September 29, 2024


    In Gen. 19:1-24, we can read of God’s wrath orchestrated against two ancient cities - Sodom and Gomorrah. In v. 4-5, we can see why God destroyed these cities. The ISV translates this passage thusly: “Before they could lie down, all the men of Sodom and its outskirts, both young and old, surrounded the house. They called out to Lot and asked, ‘Where are the men who came to visit you tonight? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!’” (also consider the NASB, CSB, GNT, NIV, CEB, GW, and CEV translations). Clearly, these cities were guilty of homosexuality, which brought about the Lord’s swift and utter destruction. Throughout the Bible, God uses Sodom and Gomorrah as evidence to not transgress His laws (see Deut. 29:23; Isa. 3:9, 13:19; Jer. 23:14; Lam. 4:6; Amos 4:11; Matt. 10:15, 11:23- 24; Luke 10:12, 17:28-30). Peter illustrated the danger of living like those citizens by describing God’s destruction against these cities, saying, “By turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly” (2 Pet. 2:6). Yet, those who claim homosexuality is not a sin often point to Ezek. 16:49-50 to argue that Sodom was not destroyed for their homosexuality. Since this argument is a common talking point for those claiming homosexuality is not a sin, let’s consider if this argument is rooted in truth or error.

    Ezek.16:49-50 reads, “Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty and did an abomination before me. So I removed them, when I saw it.” It is clear, based on these verses, that Sodom was destroyed for a wide range of sins, such as pride and a blatant disregard for the poor and needy. However, we can also clearly and easily understand from God’s Word that another sin contributed to Sodom’s destruction - the sin of sexual immorality.

    Recounting the reason for Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction, Jude explains, “Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire” (Jude 7). As if the original account in Gen. 19:1-24 was not already abundantly clear that these people committed sexual immorality through acts of homosexuality, Jude 7 verifies this eternal truth. Thus, Sodom was, in fact, guilty of homosexuality, which - along with their pride and disregard for the needy - contributed to their utter destruction by God.


    Sodom fell to various temptations, and the Bible is clear they were guilty of homosexuality. Homosexuality was a transgression of the Law of Moses (Lev. 18:22; 20:13) and continues to stand in contrast to Christ’s law under the New Testament today (1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Tim. 1:9-10; Rom. 1:26-27; Rev. 21:8). Let us learn from the example of Sodom, who were described as “great sinners against the Lord” (Gen. 13:13), committing “very grave” sins (Gen. 18:20). Let us all resist the temptations to grow prideful and ignore the needs of the poor, as well as resist the sin of homosexuality.

 —Dylan Stewart
Taken from The Whole Counsel Of God,
May 2024 Vol. I, Number 5



    In consideration of false religions, we must of necessity consider Freemasonry. This may seem odd, even to those who are involved in this organization because most people do not know that Masonry is a religion. In Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike, 1932 edition, page 196 we read: "The religious faith thus taught by Masonry is indispensable to the attainments of the great ends of life". On page 213: "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion". In fact, Masonry claims for itself to be the "true religion": "This is the true religion revealed to the ancient patriarchs; which Masonry has taught for many centuries, and which it will continue to teach as long as time endures." (Ibid., page 214). "That Rite raises a corner of the veil, even in the Degree of Apprentice; for it there declares that Masonry is a worship." (Ibid., page 219). "Masonry is a worship;... " (Ibid., page 526).

    Masonry, while trying to maintain respect for the Bible, makes statements that cast doubtful reflections on it's divine inspiration. On pages 99,100, and 252, Albert Pike states that the apostles John and Paul wrote in the language of Philo. Yet, Paul says the things he wrote were the "commandments of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 14:37). In fact, Masonry sees inspiration in many things other than the Bible: "The Gospel is preached from many a book and painting, from many a poem and fiction, and review and newspaper; and it is a painful error and miserable narrowness, not to recognize these widespread agencies of Heaven's providing; not to see and welcome these many-handed coadjutors to the great and good cause. The oracles of God do not speak from the pulpit alone." (Ibid., pages 212-213). Concerning truth, Masonry says, "All truths are Truths of Period, and not truths for eternity." (Ibid., page 37).

    Masonry is a universal religion. Dr. Albert Mackey in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (1929 Edition, Revised and Enlarged by Robert Clegg), page 847, says, “No disbeliever in the existence of a God can be made a Freemason.". Though this may sound noble we must notice he said, "a God". Being a universal religion, it must and does recognize other gods. "If Freemasonry were simply a Christian institution, the Jew and the Moslem, the Braham and the Buddhist could not conscientiously partake of its illumination; but its universality is its boast" (Ibid., page 579).

    Like all religions, Masonry offers salvation. "It is the Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry that commands our unqualified esteem, and seals in our heart that love for the Institution which will produce an active religious faith and practice, and leads
in the end to 'a building not made with hands, eternal in the heavens’... (Ibid., page 1035).

    Yes, Masonry is a religion; a false religion.  —E.R. Hall, Jr.



    Perihelion in Astronomy is a moment in time that is measured and determined by a mathematical calculation. It is the point in the orbit of a planet, or an asteroid, or a comet at which it is the nearest to the sun. Perihelion is derived in its meaning by two parts in Latin. Peri meaning around and Helios meaning the sun. Peri in Greek would imply closeness. Perihelion for our planet occurred on January 4th of 2023 at 11:17 AM Eastern Standard Time. Perihelion occurs about two weeks after the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. People are often puzzled by this fact and question is validity because this January date is in the winter, the coldest part of the year. How can it be that we are at our nearest point to the sun, but it is our coldest season. To add even more confusion to this matter, consider that Aphelion, which is the point at which we are the greatest distance from the sun, occurs in July. This would normally be about two weeks after the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. How can all of this be true? Well… It's all about the angle.

    The earth is tilted on its rotational axis at an angle of about 23.5 degrees. One rotation on this axis gives us one day. The earth makes an orbit around the sun every 365 days or so; one orbit gives us one year. It is this angle in the earth's rotational axis that causes our seasons. All these variables that we've discussed are part of the original design that was implemented by God and are sustained by Him, Hebrews 1:3 “…and upholding all things by the word of His power”. This tilting of the earth on its rotational axis is what determines how efficiently the Sun's radiation will be absorbed by the earth, causing a warming effect. During the winter months, the northern hemisphere where we live experiences more deflection and less absorption of radiation from the sun than in the summer months. Hence the difference in temperature despite the change in distance from the sun. The change in distance from the sun from the winter to the summer, though significant, about 3,100,000 miles, cannot overcome the change of temperature caused by this angle.

    When you consider the word angle and words that are synonymous to it, you come up with words like perspective, or point of view.  Approach and slant might also be listed. When you look for words for which angle would be a synonym, one word that you frequently might see would be attitude. For something that travels in flight, attitude is of the utmost importance because it helps govern the direction of flight, but also it impacts our position relative to our horizon line / our point of focus.

    As God's children we know that we are sojourners and travelers in this life under the sun. We also know that our attitude has everything to do with our relationship to the Son of God. Peter pleads with the beloved in 1 Peter 2: 11 “…as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul”. These fleshly wars that we experience have eternal implications that will affect us long after this life is over, whether their effects be good or bad.

    But we, unlike planets, comets, and asteroids, whose trajectory and plane are governed by another; can decide to change our attitude and be closer to the Son. James 4:8 says it this way, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”. The warming and nourishing effects of us drawing nearer to our God can and will have a positive, eternal, effect on our souls.

    Let me suggest to you that Christians, as travelers in God's creation, have seasons to their lives, and our attitude and relationship to the Son will have a determining effect on the fruitfulness of these seasons .The spring season for the child of God could be when we are newborn babes as 1 Pet. 2:2 describes “as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby”.  In John 15:5 Jesus with the use of these words describes a close relationship to Him that could be viewed as our summertime or growing season, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing”. Paul when writing to the church at Galatia wrote these words by inspiration “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not loose heart”, Gal 6:9. Clearly the harvest season for the Christian is what is being pictured here. Paul again writing to Timothy describes what might be summed up as the winter season of his life in 2 Tim. 4:6-7, “For I am already being poured out as an drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”.

    We are created in the image and likeness of our God and Father and are by our very nature eternal beings Gen. 1:26. This time of our sojourning under the sun as Solomon describes it is only the very beginning of our journey. When our life here ends, eternity begins. That thought I know is a daunting one. We can be in control of the trajectory and outcome of our final, eternal journey. To quote an old Star Trek line “We are at the helm”. We are in control of our lives and the path we choose on this journey is one of great consequence.  Choose the strait and narrow path that is difficult, that few find but is the one that leads to eternal life. Obey God while you have opportunity. Stop resisting…  —Blind Bartimaeus 23


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--- E.R. Hall, Jr. 

For The East Albertville Church Of Christ
meeting at
4777 U.S. Highway 431
Albertville, AL 35950
Bible Classes …………..….……………     9:30 AM
Morning Worship ……..…….….………  10:30 AM
Evening Worship   …………………........ 5:00 PM
Bible Classes …………..………........... 7:00 PM

Radio Program
WBSA 93.5 FM/1300 AM …………………………..  8:30 AM
Monday - Saturday
WBSA 93.5 FM/1300 AM ………………………….. 11:15 AM

Website: www. EastAlbertville.org