

Displaying 4151 - 4175 of 4515

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/16/17 Does It Matter? Patrick Donahue Sermon General Sun AM 01_Does_It_Matter_Pat_Donahue.mp3
07/09/17 Able To Teach Austin Holsonback Sermon General Sun PM 01_Able_To_Teach_6-9-17_Austin_Holsonback.mp3
07/09/17 Hell and Who Is Going There Byron Pledger Sermon General Sun AM Hell_and_Who_Is_Going_There_Byron_Pledger_7-9-17.mp3
07/02/17 The Will of God Chris Vilander Sermon General Sun PM 01_The_Will_Of_God_Chris_Valander.mp3
07/02/17 The Lord's Supper Sid Rowe Sermon General Sun AM 01_The_Lord_Supper_Sid_Rowe.mp3
06/25/17 Calling on the Name of the Lord Patrick Donahue Sermon General Sun AM 01_calling_on_the_name_of_lord_6_25_2017_pat_donahue.mp3
06/23/17 Similarities Between Noah's Ark & Christ's Church E.R. Hall, Jr. Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 01_similarities_between_noahs_ark_christ_church_june_242017_e_r_hall.mp3
06/22/17 Have Feelings Become Our Idol? E.R. Hall, Jr. Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting have_feelings_become_our_idol_erhall_6_22_17.mp3
06/21/17 Why The Church Grew So Rapidly E.R. Hall, Jr. Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 01_why_the_church_grew_so_rapidly_er_hall.mp3
06/21/17 What Do You Think About The Christ? E.R. Hall, Jr. Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 01_what_do_you_think_about_the_christ_er_hall.mp3
06/20/17 Things Some People Do E.R. Hall, Jr. Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 01_things_some_people_do_er_hall.mp3
06/19/17 Preparing The Apostles For Their Work E.R. Hall, Jr. Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 01_preparing_the_apostles_for_their_work_er_hall.mp3
06/18/17 How Does One Become A Christian E.R. Hall, Jr. Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 01_how_does_one_become_a_christian_er_hall.mp3
05/31/17 Have Miracles Ceased? Jerime Booker Sermon General Sun AM 01_Have_Miracles_Ceased_Jerime_Booker_5-21-17.mp3
05/28/17 The Love of a Servant Devin Allen Sermon General Sun AM 01_The_Love_of_a_Servant_Devin_Allen.mp3
05/14/17 Things My Parents Taught Me Stephen Holsonback Sermon General Sun AM 01_Things_Mt_Parents_Taught_Me_With_The_Word_Of_God_Stephen_Holsonback.mp3
04/23/17 Personal Evangelism - Teaching The Lost Patrick Donahue Sermon General Sun AM 00_Personal_Evangelism_Teaching_The_Los_Pat_Donahue.mp3
04/23/17 Partaker of Other Men's Sins Patrick Donahue Sermon General Sun AM 00_Partaker_of_Other_Mens_Sins_Pat_Donahue.mp3
04/09/17 Repentance And It's Fruit Tim Davis Sermon General Sun AM 01_Repentance_and_Its_Fruit_Tim_Davis.mp3
09/16/16 Our Hope Wes Brown Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting Our_Hope_Wes_Brown_9-16-16.mp3
09/15/16 The Scripture Cannot Be Broken Wes Brown Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting The_Scripture_Cannot_Be_Broken_Wes_Brown_9-15-16.mp3
04/06/14 If A Man Die, Shall He Live Again? part 2 Carrol R. Sutton Sermon N/A Sunday If_A_Man_Die_Shall_He_Live_Again_2_CRS_4-6-2014.mp3
04/06/14 If A Man Die, Shall He Live Again? part 1 Carrol R. Sutton Sermon N/A Sunday If_A_Man_Die_Shall_He_Live_Again_1_CRS_4-6-2014.mp3
09/13/11 Instrumental Music and the Cross of Christ Larry Rouse Sermon General Gospel Meeting Larry_Rouse_-_Instrumental_Music_and_the_Cross_of_Christ_9-13-11.mp3
09/12/11 Apostasy Larry Rouse Sermon General Gospel Meeting Larry_Rouse_-_Apostasy_9-12-11.mp3

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